

Monday, 26 September 2011

Long term aspirin use leads to pancreatic cancer

Here's yet another study showing that long-term aspirin use promotes
pancreatic cancer. It's not some tiny increase, either: the study shows
that popping 14 or more aspirin tablets a week results in an 86%
increase in the risk of contracting pancreatic cancer. So why have we
all been taught to take an aspirin a day to prevent heart attacks?

It's all in the economics, of course. No surprise here: the primary
promoters of the "aspirin a day" myth are, in fact, the very companies
that manufacture and market aspirin. If they can manage to get half the
population on this "aspirin a day" bandwagon, they'll generate obscenely
large profits, year after year. And yet, no human being should be on
aspirin as a lifelong regimen. If you're at risk for heart attacks,
you're far better off turning to nutrition, herbs, fitness and exercise
as your tools for lifelong change, not some over the counter drug that
increases your risk of pancreatic cancer.

And pancreatic cancer is
only the tip of the iceberg. Aspirin is also blamed for tens of
thousands of deaths each year due to gastrointestinal bleeding. This
only happens after long-term use of the drug, of course, which should
lead any intelligent person to the obvious conclusion: aspirin is only
safe when used rarely, and its use should be limited to the
temporary relief of pain, not as a lifelong alteration to your
body's biochemistry.

Thursday, January 08, 2004
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger