

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

High Potassium-Rich Foods

 By Louise Lyon
13 October 2010

High Potassium-Rich Foods
papaya image by Freeze Frame Photography from dd caption
High Potassium-Rich Foods

Potassium is a mineral vital to healthy heart, digestive and muscle function, affecting tissues throughout the body, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. The recommended daily intake for adults is 2,000 mg each day. Most people have no trouble getting enough potassium from food because potassium is abundant in meat, some fish, fruits, vegetables and legumes.


One of the richest sources of potassium is papaya, which contains about 781 mg of potassium per fruit, according to A cup of prune juice provides 781 mg of potassium per serving. Other good fruit sources include cantaloupe, bananas, raisins, mango and kiwi fruit.


Tomatoes are a good source of potassium, according to One cup of tomato juice contains 535 mg of potassium, while a fresh tomato contains about 400 mg. A single sweet potato, eaten with the skin on, contains about 508 mg of potassium. Other vegetables with high potassium levels are avocado, white potatoes, asparagus, pumpkin and mushrooms.


A half-cup of cooked pinto beans contains 400 mg of potassium, according to A cup of soymilk provides 345 mg. Other rich sources of potassium among protein foods include lentils, dried peas, salmon, turkey, beef, sunflower seeds and peanut butter.


A 6-oz. serving of yogurt contains 398 mg of potassium, according to A cup of 2 percent milk contains 377 mg, while a cup of low-fat cottage cheese provides 217 mg of potassium.

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