

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

3 Potent Cancer-Fighting Foods

Tuesday, August 09, 2011 | From Dieting and Weightloss News Blog

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Beans have long been considered the musical fruit, because the more you eat, the more you toot. You’re sure to change your tune, though, once you learn that all those notes you strike after eating beans are the pure tones that herald high intestinal health.

“People who regularly eat legumes, brown rice, cooked green vegetables and dried fruit have a reduced risk of colon polyps, a precursor to colon cancer,” reports an August 9, 2011 article.

These results came from a study that scrutinized data gathered from nearly 3,000 participants, whom researchers followed for 26 years. Among these participants some 441 presented cases of rectal or colon polyps, a condition that often precedes the development of cancer.

Among the participants who regularly consumed beneficial foods, however, incidents of rectal or colon polyps was significantly reduced. Specifically, researchers made the following discoveries:

  • Participants who regularly consumed brown rice experienced a 40-percent reduction in their chance of developing polyps;
  • Participants who regularly consumed legumes experienced a 33-percent reduction in their chance of developing polyps;
  • Participants who regularly consumed dried fruits experienced a 26-percent reduction in their chance of developing polyps;
  • Participants who regularly consumed cooked vegetables experienced a 24-percent reduction in their chance of developing polyps.

Researchers naturally concluded from these findings that a diet rich in these foods can reduce the likelihood of developing colorectal cancer, because they contain a high amount of fiber, which deters the deleterious actions of potential carcinogens. Other foods that have been shown to have similar cancer-fighting properties are broccoli and its various leafy-green cousins.

A healthy diet need not end simply with fighting cancer. Weight management must also be high on the list of lifestyle priorities. If you find it difficult to lose weight, you should consider purchasing a diet meal delivery service or beginning a do-it-yourself diet regimen. Either plan can lead to a fitter, trimmer, healthier you!